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  • Classes

    Join The Community

    I run weekly community classes in Herne Hill, Dulwich and Brixton areas. Join a community class and get your body moving mindfully and balance strength with flexibility, achieving harmony and freedom in body and mind.

  • Privates

    Movement For You

    Deepen your understanding of your body, assist in recovery or simply challenge yourself. Private sessions are tailored to suit you and your body and designed to achieve movement wellness for life.

  • Online

    Pilates From Anywhere

    Virtual classes and online memberships from my heart and my home to yours. Bring a little bit of mindful movement joy straight to your home, giving you the time to move, stretch, strengthen, breathe, and connect.

  • Retreats

    Experience The Retreatment

    Luxury retreats and experiences for movement and exploration lovers. Nurture your body, mind and soul with movement and rest in beautiful locations, giving you the chance to rest, reflect and rejuvenate.